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Dr Jerry Wong

Dr. Jerry Wong


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Rest for the remainder of the day. If you received sedation, do not operate motor vehicles, boats, machines or power tools for 24 hours. Do not ice your head. Resume running/cardio at half speed in ten days. Resume swimming two days after staples are removed. No heavy weightlifting for 6 months, lighter weights are OK.

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Avoid sun exposure to the scalp for 6 months. Sunburn to the recipient area will reduce growth. After the scabs have fallen off, use sunscreen of 30 SPF or higher for the first 3 months if you will be exposed to the sun without a hat. You can wear a clean, loose fitting cap immediately after surgery.

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Do not lay or put any pressure on the grafted area. Use the pillow cover provided to you to protect your pillow from stains. It is OK to lay on your grafted area, but do not rub grafted area against a pillow or any other surface.

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Take the antibiotics, pain relievers and sleeping pills supplied to you as directed. Regular use of Multi-Vitamin and extra D3 complex will help maintain hair quality and facilitate nerve regeneration in the grafted area.

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No aspirin or anti-inflammatories for five days. Propecia or Avodart may be used through the surgical period. Rogaine / Minoxidil maty be used starting 2 weeks after surgery. Advil may be used to treat pain or discomfort.

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No aspirin or anti-inflammatories for five days.

Everyday for the first 3 days: Apply a very thin layer of antibiotic ointment to the donor area after each hair wash.

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Maintain your normal diet. Do not drink alcohol for 72 hours.

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Post-operative numbness in the donor and recipient area is a normal part of scalp healing. There is no cause for concern: nerves affected by the transplant procedure will grow back over a period of 3 – 18 months after surgery. The scalp may itch or tingle as the these nerves regenerate.

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There is a possibility that you may experience prolonged periods of hiccups the night of surgery and the following day. You do not need to be concerned but they can become uncomfortable. Please contact the office and inform us of any post-operative hiccups.

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Should you bump the grafted area, check to ensure there are no cuts nor bleeding, grafts are usually intact. Bleeding usually means the loss of one or more grafts. Grafts are ususally non viable aftre only 10 minutes out of the body. If there is any ATP fluid left, place grafts in the fluid and return to the clinic to have the grafts reinserted.

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Blood spotting and occasional light bleeding from the donor area will usually occur 12 – 14 hours after surgery. Apply firm, constant pressure over the area for 20 minutes. If bleeding is excessive and does not stop please contact our office or proceed to the nearest hospital

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Swelling may appear in the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes 48 – 72 hours after surgery. This swelling is normal and there is no need to be alarmed. Depending on the size of the surgery, the swelling should only last for 2 to 4 days.



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European/UK Tour a Smashing Success!

Dr. Hasson and Dr. Wong have both just returned from a whirlwind trip to Europe. Dr. Wong met with people in Rome and Milan while Dr. Hasson saw people in London. Our local consultants in Italy and the UK arranged sessions where the doctors could meet with people in person to provide an expert assessment of their hair loss.

We are pleased to serve patients from all over the world. In fact, the majority of our hair transplant patients are from outside of Canada, mostly from the USA, Italy, Spain and the UK, and we have helped people from more than 70 countries!

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